Raining Virtue’s Director of Enterprise Application Services, John Carroll, shares some recent corporate technology investment trends. “No surprise that the top project priorities for CIOs, according to Morgan Stanley Research, continues to be:
#1 – Digital Transformations
#2 – Cloud Computing
#3 – Security Software

Data courtesy of Morgan Stanley research.
We expect this trend to continue and accelerate into 2021. As vaccine access becomes widely available in the coming months and there is a return to a more normal business environment in the second half of the year, we expect companies to have greater confidence to take on new as well as postponed digital and technology initiatives.”
Now is the time to organize your 2021 IT project portfolio and Raining Virtue can help! RV’s Enterprise Application Services team can:
- Share best practices in project portfolio management to better assess business needs and IT capabilities to deliver on those needs
- Advise on planning projects to identify both opportunities and risks to assess cost, resourcing and timelines
- Provide experienced leadership to execute your most important projects